Friday, June 24, 2016

Iterating over range paged rowsets

Recently I came across a scenario where in I had to enable Range Paging over my query based view object. In UI bean, I need to browse through all the rows if user choose select all option.
You cannot use regular viewObj.createRowSetIterator(null); to browse through all the rows. This will only allow you to browse through current range size rows.

You can use below code to browse all the rows:


  1. Hi Bhargav,

    Thank you for the detailed blog.

    I am trying to write a similar code but even after changing the page by calling scrollToRangePage(), the getAllRowsInRange() is always returning same rows.

    What am I missing?

    Ravi Sharma

    1. Can you check your view objects access mode is Scrollable under tuning section ?

    2. No Bhargav, I have configured it to be "Range Paging". So basically I have done everything which your blog and this blog says:

      Still I get same set of rows when I call getAllRowsInRange().
